Thursday, June 16, 2005

It's Thurday..How I wish its FRIDAY

Had a good dinner and it was a cold nite man, kena rain when I rode back home. Hmm, sakit kena the heavy rain drops. Thank God I had my umbrella..

This was taken from 'Bright n Shine" today. I was just browsing through my blog, and I came across this. Aduh. For those of you who are not familiar with me, I ride a motorbike. Hahaha, how in the world can I ride with an umbrella? Farnee. It's ironic isn't it, everytime you associate yourself with rain, the next thing that comes to your mind will umbrella. the above post, should have been "rain coat".

Did I mention that my wisdom tooth is growing? I can see half the teeth coming out, and it sure hurts like hell. With ulcer and gum swollening. Phew, what Wisdom!!!!
A colllegue just told me that she has 3 wisdom teeth already, and it's not painful. I asked her why, she said her mouth too big. Thats a good one..

Argh, in a real crazy mood. Talk to much already. Maybe because Wielyn has left Dhell, and there is not many ppl to chat with.....

Tune playing in my head...(Lonely, I'm so lonely...) by AKon

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