Thursday, July 15, 2004

Motor Taklimat

I attended my first motor taklimat today for 3 hrs. It was super boring and I think the so called lecturer just talked for 1 and a half hour only. The rest of the hour were breaks and he started late. Didnt pay much attention and was dreaming away. Hoping to be able to ride on Saturday. Will have to go through at least 8 hrs of training. So tedious.

Anyway, went for CATs meeting. (Creative Arts Troopers) It was good and I am incharged of a sign language dance and a mime. Not too bad. Trying to finish my assignments which is due tomorrow and I still have one more newspaper article to write about.

Rather a busy day. Promised myself I will get this weekend off. So I've said NO to many appointments and just relax at home.

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