Monday, March 28, 2005

My day at work

I dont know why on Mondays, you will just feel extra crappy, extra moody, and extra not enough of sleep....argh...Monday blues they call it. How come all the good news only comes on a Fri and very seldom do u receive any good news on a Mon..Or a pay increament tat kinda thing.

My job is so bored and I am thankful that I'm going to be here temporarily only. I dont think I can survive too long in here. Its only my 2 week of work, and I already feel like packing my bag and rather sell nasi lemak on the road side.. (hmm, i wonder how much can i make)

Getting the headache..I think I'm over bored..My cubicle has 2 person only. Just me and Kevin. Naginder and Ching Ching on leave..And there is no one to talk too. Thank God for mns. At least I made two friends today. Joanne and Shakira.

Argh, counting my time to go back..There are so much to do....Need to unpacked some more and carry more stuff to my new place..
Cant wait to stay there actually.

Miss my mommy, dadddy, sisters and of course my doggies back home..thinking of rearing some fishes....hmmm wat do u say????

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