Monday, October 17, 2005

SO lost

I dont know how many actually reads my blog. But I will write anyway. Sorry for all those ranting on how sad my life is and never actually looking at the things that HE has laid out for me.

Straying from the path is a real painful experience. When you are lost out there and there seem like no other way out, you just feel so lost. Every other steps taken are of your own will and understanding and of course by your own strength.

I long to sit at His feet again. Just listening and doing nothing. I long for the drink that He offered at the well that once you drinkit, you will never thirst again. I long for the closeness....and yet everything seems so far away.

This is one hell of a lost track......I am so LOST..


James Tucker said...

It seems you need some encouragement. Please read this article on my blog named "Talmudic writings of "The Day"

gR@c3y said...

do not remain discourage but seek Him in all you do everyday. once you've set your heart to it, He'll meet you wherever you are.